
This project aims at boosting young people’s opportunities in society by contributing to enhance those skills necessary for them to succeed in 2020 Europe and which will facilitate their access to quality employment no matter what the gender or social background is.
The main areas addressed will be promoting entrepreneurship, developing technical and digital skills as well as foreign languages competence. Furthermore, a special attention will also be placed on broadening students’ horizons and improving their intercultural and social competence as a way to facilitate their work in international teams. We are convinced that offering new perspectives and supporting their formation will make a positive and active contribution to young people’s employability and well-being.
This blog will offer an overview of the work done and the outcomes and results achieved.

Entrepreneurship and labour market

Apart from visiting companies and meeting business entrepreneurs, participants have completed a range of tasks aimed at getting to know the EU labour market and developing those competences necessary to succeed when trying to find a job.    Among them you can find research and surveys on several topics, including chances of finding a job depending on the country, qualifications and regulations related to work in each of the participating countries, future needs of the EU labour market (as to jobs and skills).  Here you will find some examples of these learning, teaching and training activities:

I. Getting to know the needs and opportunities of the EU Labour Market

1. How to find a job in the EU. Lecture by Dr. Flavio Conti ( Programme Manager of the  European Commission  , DG     Agriculture and Rural Development )  on the theme:   “Finding a job in the EU – Youth employment in the European labour market:perspectives  and  challenges”. 

2.  Challenges in Sustainable Agriculture:  Seminar by Dr. G. Maiorano (University of Molisse; visit to  laboratories of  the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Food of the  University and meeting with young entrepreneur Luciano Memmio, who after completing his university degree have decided to update his family business, an agro-zoo- technical firm. 

3. Survey on Voluntary Work and Part-Time Jobs: Research and Video-reports carried out by students and presented at Project Meeting in Italy. Resources available at project YouTube channel (Volunteering  and Part-time jobs and Twinspace

4. How to find a Summer Job: research and role-play (see task description at Learning, Teaching and Teaching Guide)

5. Jobs in the field of tourism and culture: interviews. (Task description at LTT Guide)

6. Jobs of the Past: Research on jobs of the past and video clips showing the evolution of certain jobs and trades along history. Videos available at Youtube channel . (Task description at LTT Guide)

7. Renewable energies and job opportunities: a green future for us?: Research and presentattions available at Twinspace and Newsletter (Issue June)

8. The most demanded university degrees or jobs for higher educated people: Interactive map  and presentations. To see the map, click here. Presentations available at Twinspace 

9. Companies and job profiles: interviews and video-reports, click here and you will be redirected there

10. Providing opportunities for everyone: presentations and video-reports on organizations that help people with disabilities and promote labour inclusion (resources available at Twinspace)

11: Equal Opportunities: Comparing data and statistics (Newsletter, issue September)

12. Promoting Technical Careers: Boys and Girls Workshops- Electricity and Social Care Workshops addressed to boys and girls

13. Opportunities in the field of Science and Technology. Visit to Computing and Telecommunications Engineering University College (Granada University). Guided visit and Lecture by Dr. Maciá Fernández on the theme of job opportunties in the field of Engineering.

14. Opportunities in the field of Sport: Visit to Sport Science Faculty (Granada University). Guided visit and reception by Vice- Dean for International 

II. Promoting an increase of  professional opportunities

1. Workshop: The Job Interview
. Information available at LTT Guide. Click here to see video

2. Workshop: Logo Creation, led by Dr. Alessio Vitale of the Publicity and Communication Agency “Il Cuore in Testa”. Information available at LTT Guide. 

3. Workshop: How to use EURES. Click here to see EU Video

4. Workshop: EUROPASS. (To visit website, click here)

5. The Shape of Future Jobs, (Click here for more information)

6. Linking Education and Labour Market: Case Studies. Click Here for more information

7. Developing intercultural  and language competences

III. Entrepreneurship 
1. Starts-up Final Fair: Business Starts-up project, click here for more information 

2. Advertising and Marketing, click here for more information

3. Workshop: Creating the project logo

4. Learning from entrepreneurs and experts: Visits  to local companies, businesses and employment agencies to learn about  job market opportunities & chances for future internships: